Recycle in the Punto SIGRE

Empty packaging and leftover medicines that are no longer needed or have expired must be left in the Punto SIGRE at the pharmacy.

This ensures that these waste materials receive the correct environmental treatment and stops them from damaging our environment. To take care of our health and protect the environment, it is essential to use medicines responsibly and to dispose of them via the Punto SIGRE when they are no longer needed.

cita Check the home medicine cabinet regularly to make sure you are not accumulating medicines

How to recycle medicines and their packaging properly

  • All expired leftover medicines or those that are no longer needed must be taken to the Punto SIGRE point at the pharmacy.
  • Packaging that has been in contact with the medicine (bottles, blister packs, tubes, aerosols, ampoules, etc.), even if empty, must be treated specifically. That is why they have to be deposited in the Punto SIGRE.
  • To identify the different types of medicines and the packaging that contained them, and give them the right treatment, they must be taken to the Punto SIGRE inside their original cardboard box.
  • Cardboard boxes and medicine packaging of all kinds, whether or not they still contain medicaments, must not be left in the blue paper skip, or the yellow packaging waste skip, or the green glass skip