cita SIGRE's Board of Directors comprises stakeholders from the pharmaceutical sector and defines the organisation's strategic plans
SIGRE’s General Management is assured by the Chief Executive Officer. He is responsible for implementing all the agreements taken by the Board of Directors on environmental, social and economic matters adopted by the organisation.

Technical and Operations Department: Coordinates and promotes the Prevention Business Plans for packaging from the pharmaceutical sector and manages collection of the necessary data for preparing the SIGRE’s Annual Packaging Statement. It also oversees the proper functioning of the logistics system, including all activities necessary for effective environmental management and treatment of waste.
Institutional Relations and Legal Affairs Department: Performs any actions required to ensure fluid relations with the various stakeholders; develops Communication Plans and manages legal relations inherent to SIGRE’s business.
Finance Department: Manages the company’s financial resources by applying criteria of efficiency and rationality; it also drafts and implements the annual budget and is responsible for the administrative area and the company’s human resources.